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XTRATUF Revised Logo1.jpg

A brand with a rich history and 40 year connection to Alaska found themselves disconnected from the people who live in this magical place. XTRATUF needed to reset personal connections in Alaska and invite new representatives into the brand from the lower 48 of the U.S. 

XTRATUF’s goal was to build relationships. Share stories. Engage authentically.  

We helped them show that they really care about and want to honor this incredible heritage and connection.  


Cultivated love.


CREATIVELY cultivated real stories that are loved by a loyal and growing audience.

We developed a Brand Ambassador Program with 5 Pro Team members; vetting, recruiting onboarding and managing these new team members. 

This celebrated brand loyalists who truly live the ethos of the brands. We shared their real stories across all media platforms and in brand photography.

We established trust and with quantitative data proved the value of these authentic relationships for the brand.

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CREATIVELY's experience and expertise has brought renewed energy and focus to our Brand Ambassador Program. Their unique ability to focus on what is beneficial for the brand, as well as the ambassador, has nourished and strengthened our existing relationships while introducing new members and candidates to our team. This has allowed us to grow—consistently creating and sharing new content with compelling stories to tell— propelling our brand forward.

Aurora Ransbottom, eCommerce Business Manager, XTRATUF


Trust breeds magic. - Tina Roth Eisenberg


Give us a call at 617.852.0449 or email us at