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A dispensary concept with less than three months to open came to us in need of a brand. They had a name and a space and product but no identity for consumers to connect to. They had a strong desire to create a unique offering in their sector and attract a new customer. We jumped in quickly to help bring Redi to life working on their brand identity, logo, signage, social identity, in-store experience and more.  

Creatively embarked on designing a look and feel through the brand ID work that was carried into every element of the business. Simple elements like mandatory signage had a unique and welcoming treatment. Engaging graphic patterns and color transformed the space into an experience. Website design, wearables, gift bags, packaging all came from the initial identity work executed in quick collaboration with the Redi team.

Working with the team at Creatively saved our start-up ship from sinking at a critical moment. Their nimble process and strategic partnership allowed us to open with incredible impact. I was as professionally proud as I have ever been at our opening.

Todd Finard, Founder, REDI


Trust breeds magic. - Tina Roth Eisenberg


Give us a call at 617.852.0449 or email us at