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About Us

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Our Founders

When these two powerhouse colleagues met at Sperry Top-Sider in 2015 there was no stopping them. Their combined talents and passionate teams in creative and marketing led Sperry to the most progressive brand evolution in its history with innovative digital strategies and one-of-a-kind global experiences. Their roles managing these areas of the business led them to the vision to change the way brands and agencies work together.  Their partnership was born with a promise to deliver creative excellence with unwavering collaboration with clients. They understood those values from the inside out. Creatively is a new approach and experience for brands built by folks that know your challenges first-hand.

Kim Stewart

Co-Founder & CCD

Kim is a creative visionary and strategic business mind all wrapped up in an incredibly positive and optimistic spirit. She is a collaborative brand builder who has spent over 20 years driving change and great growth for businesses, big and small. Through inspiring creative leadership and smart marketing strategies, Kim has helped push brands to become true risk-takers, changing their industries, and expanding their markets. With innovative creative techniques, she has led teams through totally new marketing initiatives. This is the spirit Kim was professionally born into, cultivated in small start-up experiences, brought into massive corporations to change the way they execute creative thinking and work. Brands to note: Nantucket Nectars, Sperry Top-Sider, Clarks, New Balance, Merrill Lynch.

Adrienne Mathias

Co-Founder & President

Adrienne has spent her career focused on creating strong relationships —between brands and consumers and clients and agency partners. Her foundation was built at two of the top advertising agencies in the country where she helped clients create greater impact with their marketing initiatives, increase consumer affinity and consistently break annual business goals and sales records—producing great work all along the way. She jumped over to the brand side joining Sperry Top-Sider in 2015 where she drove product launches and global sponsorships and events. She led paid, social and PR efforts. She championed consumer research initiatives with the Wolverine Worldwide Insights team. Through collaboration, optimism, and a relentless drive for creative excellence, she knows how to help brands develop work that shines. Brands to note: Subaru, Liberty Mutual, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Massachusetts State Lottery and Partners Healthcare.

How we are inspired every day.



We listen first. We honor your brand.



We are optimistic spirits with open hearts. 


We bring crazy energy and obsession to our work.


We deliver a level of exploration and a commitment to detail like no other.


We strive to be crystal clear in our communications, our strategic thinking and our pricing.


We love what we do and you will love the experience with us. Love scales.


We appreciate every opportunity and deeply respect our gift of independence.


Trust breeds magic. - Tina Roth Eisenberg


Give us a call at 617.852.0449 or email us at