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 The Traveling CD

Brahmin was in need of an interim Creative Director to concept and drive production of their Spring 22 Campaign. We jumped right in, working with their wonderful team, to polish the concept and lead the production. We managed transforming the concept into the proper location, cast, wardrobe, props, hair and make-up in short order, on budget. We coordinated an intensive shot list into a glorious variety of smart scenarios expressing the joy of a Retro Vacation with Brahmin.



Our New England location in the end of October brought a fierce Nor’Easter our way. Our beloved team of amazing partners rallied, talent got brave and the client had trust. We jumped in during the scout day to try and capture what little sun we would have for the next three days. Our final morning after a wild night of wind and rain found us without power and the whole crew headed inland to a studio for the last shots. When a shoot serves you positive...and make some lemonade.

I’m so proud of the work we did together on the Spring shoot! You’ve been a fantastic partner, and I know the work you’ll continue to do with Brahmin will be world class! Can’t wait to see it!

Lauren Shimmel • Director of Marketing • BRAHMIN



Trust breeds magic. - Tina Roth Eisenberg


Give us a call at 617.852.0449 or email us at