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Start up on a path for growth.

Absorb Software had recently received a second round funding and had been given the green light to step on the gas. The newly hired CMO was building the team and needed next-level brand development. They came to CREATIVELY with an unfinished brand book and hefty goals to quickly reface the brand to empower their voice and unique positioning in the marketplace.

Brand Power

We dove in brainstorming key brand attributes, competitor insights, visual strengths, voice tone and temperament, brand architecture and communication strategies. 

Our robust support in visual and voice direction has given Absorb an edge in their industry. Their new and improved brand system consistently creates a powerful dynamic with immediate recognition and brand strength in an overly saturated marketplace. 


 We thoroughly outlined and drove lead creative for their internal team to roll-out across all of their channels and communication materials. They have a constant engine to run in this age of daily content creation. 

I can’t say enough about their process, creativity, and output. CREATIVELY has a truly unique perspective and a methodical, thoughtful approach that drove some really excellent work.

Sarah Esteverena • Senior Director, Demand Center • ABSORB SOFTWARE


Trust breeds magic. - Tina Roth Eisenberg


Give us a call at 617.852.0449 or email us at