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 The I AM XTRATUF Film Series celebrates a collection of inspiring DO-ERs who personify what it means to truly be XTRATUF. CREATIVELY teamed up with leadership at XT to document the lives of these amazing people on and off the water to create a content series with insatiable intrigue -—continuing to build strong affinity between the brand and their ever-expanding audience.


Strategic Production

We worked with amazing capture teams traveling across the country from Alaska to the Panhandle in Florida, bringing our concepts to life, conquering weather and rough seas—documenting all of those unexpected magic moments, too. We maximized budgets and efficiently executed each leg of the production to deliver hours and hours of gorgeous footage and emotive interviews to edit into gorgeous and impactful films to launch all of spring 2022.

The Results

As a trusted brand partner, we led the social and launch strategy for I AM XTRATUF to introduce the film series in a compelling way. The launch is driving massive brand love that is delivering quantitative results, and has introduced XTRATUF to consumers beyond its existing audience. In the first few weeks of launch, the brand is already experiencing incredible engagement and film views. We’re excited to continue to share these powerful stories in the coming months. In the first two weeks of the series launch there have been 250,000+ film views.

I trusted the Creatively team with the telling of a personal story that is sensitive and dear to my heart. The communication, thoughtfulness, respect and patience given to this process provided a space where I felt comfortable and heard. My story was put on screen in a way that captivated me emotionally and brought me to tears. Thank you, Kim and Adrienne, this turned out more powerful than I could have ever imagined.

McKenna Peterson, Captain, FV Atlantis


Trust breeds magic. - Tina Roth Eisenberg


Give us a call at 617.835.9323 or email us at