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Competing in an extremely saturated work boot market, the Vermont-born brand, with an impressive history of owned retail, had lost its sense-of-self. How could they differentiate and claim their stake in the game? With such a rich in-store history they needed to find their purpose in this new digital world and let their voice be heard.

Finding purpose. 

CREATIVELY led their team through a extensive brand replatform project. We started with a deep dive in collaboration with the Dunham team to harvest their truth and find their purpose.  

We touched every element of the brand. 

We defined new visual principles connecting them to their past while celebrating the men of the future who would be drawn to such a rich brand with incredible quality and heritage.  

We created extensive guidelines for digital asset development across multiple touchpoints and worked hard during Covid-19 to ensure an extensive library of real stories with real people from Vermont. This propelled a focused and purposeful brand relaunch during these unprecidented times.


Working with the team at CREATIVELY has been an amazing experience. Through thoughtful collaboration and their creative immersive process, they quickly captured unique and powerful insights for our brands that have unlocked growth opportunities while setting important guardrails for future brand development.

Karen Pitts, General Manager, Aravon


Trust breeds magic. - Tina Roth Eisenberg


Give us a call at 617.852.0449 or email us at